Marriage Enrichment 2025: Simply Love
12:00 PM12:00

Marriage Enrichment 2025: Simply Love

  • Center for Pastoral Leadership (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

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$60 per person or $120 per couple

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Main presider: Father Ryan Mann

Father Ryan Mann is the pastor of St. Basil the Great parish in Brecksville, OH. Fr. Ryan has been the chaplain and teacher for the Theology of the Body Institute as well as chaplain for the Cleveland Diocese chapter of Retrovaille Marriage Ministry and Culture Project. He has spoken at conferences, parishes, retreats and on several podcasts. You can hear some of his talks and homilies on his podcast with a priest friend entitled, “Slaking Thirsts.”

Keynote Speakers: Troy and Kathleen Billings

Simply Love

True love knows no limit in giving more, being more, forgiving more. In marriage, husbands and wives are called to love one another without limits and to not lose sight of the fact that they are on the same team. When tempted to calculate or complain, they must simply love

In this talk, husbands and wives will be challenged and inspired to live out their wedding vows day by day. Kathleen and Troy will offer practical and tangible insights to live a healthy and faith-filled marriage amidst the joys and sorrows of married life, while encouraging couples to foster the important habit of praying every day together as a couple as a means to enrich and grow their marriage.

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Keynote Speakers: Elizabeth and Nathan Schlueter

How to Live, and Love, the Truth about Marriage

Do you know the full truth about what marriage is? Are you flourishing in your marriage, or just persevering? How can men and women, who are so very different, not just live, but love their marriages? The answers may surprise you.

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Breakout Sessions

Elizabeth & Nathan Schlueter

Building a Family Culture

In this session you will learn how to incorporate the liturgical year into family life; into meals, prayer, work, and play.

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Troy Billings

It Takes Two to Tango – Develop a Rhythm in Marriage

Learn how to create a harmonious marriage by embracing the art of communication and collaboration, with God as your instructor.

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Kathleen Billings

Navigating the Early Years of Marriage, With Grace

Discover practical tools and insights to help you build a strong, loving foundation in your marriage during its formative years.

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Dr. Ted and Kathleen Raddell

To Have and To Hold

Marriage is a sacrament of enduring grace. Yet it is easy to take one another for granted over the course of time. Amid life's hustle, do we pause to honor our vows? Join Dr. Ted Raddell and his wife Kathleen as they guide you through essential strategies to cherish and strengthen your spouse throughout your married journey.

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Schedule for the Day

12:00 - 12:30 Registration begins
Light refreshments available Hannon Dining Room
12:45 - 1:00 Welcome and introductions Aula Room
1:00 - 1:50 Keynote #1 Aula Room
2:00 - 3:00 Couple time and Sacrament of Reconciliation
3:00 - 3:50 Keynote #2 Aula Room
3:55 - 4:05 Milestones of Marriages Aula Room
4:15 - 4:45 Adoration
Sacrament of Reconciliation available
Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd Chapel
5:00 - 5:50 Break-out sessions See posted schedule
6:00 - 7:00 Mass Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd Chapel
7:15 - 9:00 Dinner Founders Hall
8:30 Q&A Session during dessert with Troy & Kathleen and Nathan & Elizabeth Founders Hall
9:00 Formal closing

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August CanaNight
7:00 PM19:00

August CanaNight

  • Tricky Tortoise Brewing Company (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


The 10th National Eucharistic Congress took place from July 17th-21st in Indianapolis and was a pivotal moment in a 3 year grassroots Eucharistic revival. The mission was to renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist. The vision was to inspire a movement of Catholics who are healed, converted, formed, and unified by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist—and who are then sent out on mission “for the life of the world.” But what about those who were unable to attend? Specifically, married couples have a great responsibility to witness to the presence and power of Christ in the Eucharist. 

Pope Benedict 16th said in the Spirit of the Liturgy, “In the Eucharist a communion takes place that corresponds to the union of man and woman in marriage. Just as they become “one flesh”, so in Communion we all become “one spirit”, one person, with Christ.”

We married couples must remember that just as we express our love to one another through the gift of their bodies, so too, Christ gives his very body to his bride the Church. So, whether married couples were able to attend the Eucharistic Congress or not, we can still be a part of the mission to renew the Church by faithfully living out the sacrament of marriage. 

Tanis Merimee attended the Eucharistic Congress along with more than 250 delegates from the Diocese of Cleveland. This event was and awe inspiring, emotional, and a faith-building and enriching experience. Join Tanis and she shares her reflections on this momentous event and how we as Catholic couples can live a more eucharistic marriage and share the great love of Christ in the Eucharist with those around us.

To learn more about the Eucharistic Congress you can visit their website, here.

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12:01 AM00:01

We Give Catholic Day of Giving 2023

Let’s come together on Giving Tuesday, November 28, to raise awareness and inspire our Catholic community to generosity in support of Catholic parishes, Catholic schools, Catholic Charities sites/programs, and Catholic nonprofits in our region. #weGiveCatholic is Northeast Ohio’s online day of Catholic giving, supporting more than 200 Catholic organizations throughout our region.

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June CanaNight
7:00 PM19:00

June CanaNight

From the perspective of a professional clinical counselor, Luke Brown will discuss what makes a healthy marriage, what skills can be learned that will improve marital happiness, the role that sharing a common faith plays in strengthening a marriage, and predictors of a strong marriage.

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12:01 AM00:01

We Give Catholic Day of Giving

Let’s come together on Giving Tuesday, November 29, to raise awareness and inspire our Catholic community to generosity in support of Catholic parishes, Catholic schools, Catholic Charities sites/programs, and Catholic nonprofits in our region. #weGiveCatholic is Northeast Ohio’s online day of Catholic giving, supporting more than 200 Catholic organizations throughout our region.

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November CanaNight Dinner "Date Night with Fr. Nate"
5:00 PM17:00

November CanaNight Dinner "Date Night with Fr. Nate"

  • Woodside Event Center at St. Michael's (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This second annual dinner date with Fr. Nate gives us an opportunity to take time out of our busy lives to reflect on what is truly important. Renew and refresh your relationship with this special date night. Relax, laugh, and learn together with Father Nathan Cromly. Taking a step back occasionally can be just what we need to move forward with grace.

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August CanaNight
7:00 PM19:00

August CanaNight

Join Deacon Mike and Francine Constantini at our next CanaNight on Friday, August 5th at Slyman’s Tavern in Independence. They will offer tips for discernment - ideas for how to open ourselves to the voice of God when making small decisions to more important life changing decisions. They will offer advice on how to help others do the same.

Deacon Mike and Francine Constantini have been married for 27 years and have 3 children. Francine is the Director of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Cleveland, and Deacon Mike was ordained a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Cleveland this past May. Deacon Mike also works as a software sales manager for IBM. Thier oldest, Diana, is a teacher who resides in Monroe, MIchigan. Their second, Matthew, will be a Sophomore at Borromeo Seminary in the fall as he continues to discern the priesthood. Their youngest, Christopher, is a senior at Walsh Jesuit High School.

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12:00 PM12:00

2022 Marriage Enrichment Event - Register now!

Michael & Alicia Hernon

Michael and Alicia Hernon are on a mission to empower parents to embrace their sacred calling which they believe is the key to the renewal of the Church and our society.  Their ministry, The Messy Family Project, began as a podcast and has grown into a multi-media platform that provides free resources to couples to help them nurture their marriage as well as build a Catholic culture within their home.  Although the podcast reaches over 25,000 families every month, the Hernons also travel throughout the United States inspiring husbands and wives to have deeper conversations and giving them the insight, inspiration, and practical tools to do so. They reside in Steubenville, OH, and are parents to ten children and grandparents to five. Learn more about them & their ministry at

The 2 keynote addresses that the Hernons will be giving are broad topics that will cater to couples of all ages and at all stages of their marriage:

#1 Keeping Love Alive

#2 Growing Family Culture

The breakout sessions are optional and give couples the choice of attending a session that appeals to their particular needs and/or stage of life. During this time couples will also have the option of going to confession or spending much needed 'couple time'.

Parenting 101


TOB with Jen Ricard

Adoration with Fr. Barry

Full Schedule:

12:30 Registration and hor d'oeuvres

1:00. welcome and introduction

1:15 Talk #1 Mike and Alicia Hernon "Keeping Love Alive"

2:15 Couple Time and Confessions (45 minutes total)

3:00 Talk #2 Mike and Alicia Hernon "Growing Family Culture"

4:00 Milestones of Marriage

4:15 Couple Time, Confessions and optional breakouts

5:15 Prelude Music

5:30 Mass in Ballroom

6:45. Cocktails 

7:15 Dinner in Ballroom

8:15 Q&A with Mike and Alicia Hernan

8:45 Closing Remarks

Register now for our Marriage Enrichment Event featuring Mike and Alicia Hernan from the Messy Family Project. To find out more about Mike and Alicia, please visit their website at and be sure to tune into their podcast to hear some of the great content that they will be offering at this event.

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5:00 PM17:00

CanaNight November 7th


Join us for our next CanaNight, “Date Night with Father Nate”, on Sunday, November 7th featuring Father Nathan Cromly. We will be gathering at the Welshfield Inn in Burton. Registrations will be taken online - Please register early!

Thank you to The Rock - AM 1260 for sponsoring this event.

CanaNights is a bimonthly gathering of Catholic couples hosted by Marriages of Grace. This is a great way for couples to explore various themes related to marriage and family life, and to connect with others who are striving to live according to the Church's beautiful vision of married love.

  • $75 per couple

  • Includes dinner for two

  • Cash bar will be available

Father Nathan Cromly, C.S.J. is a Catholic priest who has dedicated his life to strengthening marriages, families, and young adults. Through his work, he has gained a unique perspective on the issues that touch marriage and family life. As a nationally renowned Catholic leader and dynamic speaker, Father Nathan has hosted a series on Radio Maria and has appeared on EWTN on several occasions. For the past 11 years, he has led the annual Maria Stein Mothers' Retreat and the newer, equally popular Cincinnati Men's Retreat to consistently full-capacity crowds. He has engaged young adults with excursions that include mountain climbing & white water rafting in locations such as New Zealand, Scotland, Hawaii, and Ireland. He is founder and president of both Eagle Eye Ministries and the St. John Institute in Denver, CO.

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