Our Mission


Marriages of Grace is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2012 with the intent of providing ongoing enrichment opportunities to Catholic married and engaged couples. Marriages of Grace seeks to offer Catholic couples knowledge and resources that will strengthen them in their marriage bond. Hosting events that unite Catholic couples in an environment that uplifts and encourages them on their journey is a pivotal component of our mission. Providing resources to enrich and strengthen spouses and engaged couples in a culture that is becoming increasingly challenging to the institution of marriage is central to our objective. An annual marriage enrichment day and bi-monthly CanaNights are the primary ways of reaching this goal.

Marriages of Grace offers us an opportunity to meet and talk to other Catholic couples.
— CanaNight couple
The marriages of Grace event gave us much needed time to decompress and talk to each other.
— Marriage Enrichment event attendee couple