After missing our Enrichment event in 2021, we are pleased to announce the date for our 2022 Marriage Enrichment Event is March 5, 2022. This event will feature Mike and Alicia Hernan from the Messy Family Project. Find the details here.
Marriages of Grace enters Philadelphia!
We are proud to announce our sister organization, Marriages of Grace Philadelphia. Find out more here.
Signs of Grace
Here Comes the Bride
You see, I’m learning that marriage here on earth is a precursor, a preparatory school, a little little little taste of what is to come with the marriage of the Lamb. Marriage here on earth is God’s gift to us so we can learn what it truly means to love as Jesus loves and so we can learn how to love the Lord our God with all our heart all our soul and all our might.
Prayer of Spouses to Saints Louis and Zélie Martin
Saints Louis and Zélie Martin, today we ask you to intercede for us. You are the first canonized married couple, and we look to you as a holy example and model for our own marriages. We ask you to bless all marriages through the ministry of Marriages of Grace. Help us to live out our married life with joy and virtue and for those of us who have children, please help us to be virtuous parents. You have modeled for us an exemplary Christian life; may the example of your unwavering trust in God and your constant willingness to surrender all the joys, the trials, the sorrows and the sufferings that filled your life encourage us to persevere in our daily challenges and to remain in joy and Christian hope. Saints Louis and Zélie Martin, pray for us.